
Postcard decore

So recently I decided to make a few changes in my room ... I switched my bed with my table... But since my bed is a lot lower than the former, the ugly chipped and ruined part of my wall was made visible. So in order to cover it up, I came up with the following idea...why not take a few vintage looking postcard which i have collected over the summer, and with a help of some ribbon, make some paper drapes... I have a cord (one of those used to hang drapes from IKEA)running along my wall about a meter above the ledge of my bed and this i used for support. 
Well If you have a similar problem or just want to make a colorful display, here is what you need ... 
And something to hang this display on...a cord, a ledge or a blank wall...up to you
Now the How to.... its extremely easy... :D
 Cut up your ribbon, so that when you line it along the postcards and gaps you'll have at least 15cm with which to tape or tie it up to whatever you care to hang each column on.
 Tape, tape, tape.....
                                                      Now tie or tape column by column up....

                                                                            Done :D



The sky I see

The sky is gray not black...
With the city in pars
For darkness lack
I can’t see stars

No wonder we’re not humble!
We want and want it all…
From within we start to crumble
We rise so we can fall

And all the light will shield my eyes
As I’m walked to my grave
We think that we are wise
A sheep hoard in a cave